We are open with your safety as our 1st Priority

We are open with your safety as our 1st Priority

Commercial Lease

Work smart with a customizable plan for your business.*

CommerciaLease is an open-ended lease program that allows flexibility to set the residual based upon business requirements.

Eligible vehicles

  • New/Used
  • Cars through heavy duty trucks
  • Upfit vehicles
  • High kilometrage and heavy use vehicles


Ineligible vehicles

  • Vehicles used for livery (for hire) operations
  • Emergency, fire and ambulance
  • Rental units


  • Flexible terms
  • No acquisition or up-front administration
  • No kilometrage restrictions or penalties
  • No charges for excess wear and tear
  • Upfits can be residualized
  • Combined billing

Standard Terms and Residuals Guidelines

% Based On Final Net Capitalized Cost:


Length of Term Residual
24 Months 50%
36 Months 40%
48 Months 60%
60 Months 20%

Lease-end Options

You have several options at the end of your CommerciaLease:


  • Purchase or lease a new Ford vehicle and facilitate the trade in of your current CommerciaLease
  • Assist you with terminating your existing CommerciaLease account. You will need to schedule a vehicle return appointment with us.


Note: You are responsible for any deficiency between the balance owed and the selling price (including any costs incurred to sell the vehicle as agreed upon in your Master Lease Agreement).

Warranty and Service Products

It's smart that you keep up with your scheduled maintenance. What about unexpected repairs? Ford Extended Service Plan (ESP) helps protect you from the cost of any unforeseen events. Ask us for details!


*Not all customers will qualify. Contact us for details at 1-855-914-4949 for standard CommerciaLease customer and vehicle eligibility requirements. All program terms are subject to be changed, modified or removed at Ford Credit's sole discretion.